Sunday, June 29, 2008

Web Hosting Glossary

.Com is a type of the domain name that is used by the commercial enterprises.

Active Server Pages is a server side language that provides web developers an easy, fast and reliable platform for developing the web applications.

ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange is an international standard for the code numbers that are used by the computers to represent all the numbers, upper cases, lower cases, Latin letters and punctuations. There are 128 standard ASCII characters/codes.

Apache is open source web server software.

Anonymous FTP
Anonymous FTP is an option in the FTP software that allows the users to download the files without establishing an account.

Auto responder
Auto responder is a program that sends auto replies to the incoming emails.

Applet is a small Java program that can be embedded in a HTML page.

A byte is a set of bits that represents a single character.

Browser is a client software that is used to see the different web pages.

Sending packets to all the machines on the network.

The capacity of the medium i.e. how much data can be transferred in a given time over a medium.

CGI stands for Common Gateway Interface is a small program that describes that how a web server communicates with other software.

CGI-BIN is a name of the web server directory in which CGI files are stored.

Cold Fusion
Cold fusion is a scripting language that is used for the advanced development and database interfacing.

A cookie refers to a piece of information that is sent by the web server to the web browser and saves it.

Data Transfer
Data transfer is measured in the GB and it means the total amount of the outbound traffic from a website.

Dedicated IP
Dedicated IP is an IP addresses that is fixed with a single website.

DNS stands for Domain name system/server. DNS is used to translate the host name into the IP address and IP address into the host name.

Domain Name
Domain name is a name that uniquely identifies a website.

E-Commerce is the online transactions of the businesses.

E-Commerce Hosting
E-Commerce hosting is a hosting plan that allows the merchants to accept the orders online.

Front Page
Front page is a HTML editor that is used to create the websites.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
A FTP is a way of transferring the files (uploading and downloading) across the internet.

A firewall is a security system that prohibits the access to the network. A firewall is of two types software and hardware.

Hyper text markup language is a code that the web pages are written in.

HTTP is a protocol that is used to transfer the files across the internet.

IP Address
An IP address is a unique number that is used to identify a computer on the internet.

A company that provides internet services and connect the computers of the consumers to the internet through dial up, DSL and cable connection.

IIS is web server software from Microsoft.

Java Script
Java Script is a scripting language that is used to add interactive and dynamic elements to a website.

Linux Hosting
A type of hosting that supports Linux.

Load Balancing
Load balancing is a technique of dividing the load of a single website or services over the multiple servers.

Log File
A log file is a file that records the activities of the web server.

.Net Hosting
A type of the web hosting that supports the .Net applications.

OC1 is a type of the fiber optic connection that is capable of transferring the data at 51.85 mbps.

Public Switch Telephone Network. Regular telephone network.

A router is a network communication device that is used to connect the two or more different networks with each other.

Shared IP Address
An IP address that is shared by the multiple websites.

Shopping Cart
A shopping cart is software that is used to make the site’s products catalogue for online ordering.

SSL stands for the secure socket layer that is used for the encrypted authenticated communication.

Shockwave is a web based application by Macromedia that is used to view the entertainment, movies, images, flash, songs, rich-media chat, games and interactive product demos.

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is a protocol that is used to send the emails over the internet.

Structured Query Language. A specialized language that is used to send the queries to the database.

A server is a specific type of computer that provides the services to the clients.

Site Monitoring
Site monitoring is a type of the service that is used for monitoring the website. It sends alerts to the administrators in case of any problem.

TCP/IP is a suite of the protocols. To be on the internet your computer must have installed the TCP/IP suite.

Telnet is a command that is used to login from one internet site to another.

UNIX Hosting
A type of web hosting that supports UNIX.

A worldwide system of the discussion groups.

WAN stands for Wide Area Network that covers that broader geographical location.

Web Mail
Web mail is a type of the email that is access through the web browser.

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